
Greetings Golfers,

Service gets a bad name. Sometimes people think working in a service industry is akin to being a slave.

Serving doesn’t have to mean jumping at the beck and call of someone snapping their fingers. Service is best when it is people doing their best for others. Think of phrases such as “Serve Your Country” or “Service to Your Community” – those are noble concepts.

The key is that they’re voluntary. It’s needs to be a choice that is valued – not something that is demanded. Voluntary service is rewarding. Employment in the service industry is voluntary, though the jobs may have mandatory requirements. It is not a master-slave relationship. When I see people snap their fingers to wait staff or anyone, I cringe at their basic lack of respect.

I’m trying to say that the world of service is a two-way street between server and servee.

Service is also at the heart of leadership. Here’s a cool quote “If Service is Beneath You – Leadership is Beyond You”. A good leader is of service to staff and customers, and of service to healthy ethics and values.

One of my favorite books is “The Power of Servant Leadership” by Robert Greenleaf. Mr. Greenleaf was a Director at AT&T for many years and a lecturer at MIT. Those are great credentials … yet they don’t necessarily mean that he gets it. But, he does get it. I highly recommend reading it.

And I highly recommend thinking about service and what it means. It’s one of the keys to a meaningful life and a healthy society.


Tom Abts

GM and Head Golf Professional