The Right-Handed Golf Swing

Greetings Golfers,

One of my favorite characters in golf – Judge Tinker – just commented that Tiger Woods’ many different golf swings over the years prove that there’s not just one way to swing. He’s right – there are many effective ways to swing a golf club.

Can the golfer, get the golf club back to the ball with enough speed and control to hit the shot as planned? If so, that’s a good golf swing. Now the fun begins … with stance, grip, alignment, backswing, downswing, contact, and follow-through.

Obviously there are many theories and examples of effective golf swings. I want to talk about the “right-handed golf swing”.

My hunch is that the first Scottish shepherd to take a whack at a rock with his cane probably did it with his dominant hand – not both hands. And later on, he tried it with both hands … though I suspect that his dominant hand was in control of the swing.

In Hogan’s book – “The Five Fundamentals” – he talks about the golf swing being like the sidearm throwing motion of a baseball infielder … or like skipping a stone across the water.

I agree. Those are great images of the golf swing. But, I want to take it even farther. For some people, the WHOLE golf swing should be like a throwing motion – the wind-up and the pitch! And of course, using your throwing hand is using the right-hand for most people.

Is this the magic answer for everyone? Not at all. Some people are not comfortable at throwing. And some people like playing golf with their dominant hand pulling and leading the golf club … for example, a lefty who swings right-handed. But for some of us, the throwing motion is the heart of our golf swing.

I’m definitely one of those people. However, I’m constantly working on my left hand, and trying goofy moves with my body to develop a more conventional golf swing. Usually this works on the range, but not on the golf course.

Ironically, I’m a pretty decent player under pressure … because I usually go back to my right-handed swing … unless I’m determined to stick with some new move that I’ve been working on. Then I can be terrible.

Unlike Tiger Woods … I’m not effective with a new golf swing every 5 years. My right-handed swing is the only one that works for me. Maybe it’s the right one for you too.



Tom Abts

GM and Head Golf Professional