A Beautiful Soul

Greetings Golfers,

We’re closed for the season. We had a good year, despite the weather. I don’t want to complain – we didn’t get hit by a tornado or a hurricane or get flooded out – we just had a very late start, followed by unusually hot, humid weather … and then a pretty nasty Fall. Hopefully, we’ll have a mild Winter, an early Spring and a perfect weather year – just like Camelot.

Speaking of magical places … did you see our flower gardens this year? They were ridiculously beautiful. A young man by the name of Paul Bickel is responsible for the stunning beauty.

People constantly ask me if Paul would do their gardens or consult with them. No. This is not a job for Paul – this is a labor of love. And it’s a lot of labor! And even more love!

Fortunately, Paul had help this year. Another Deer Run neighbor – Martin Teal – stepped up and assisted Paul in the planting and tending of his magnificent gardens.

Paul’s gardens are a result of a strong vision and a lot of work. It’s not just plant the flowers and see what happens. A lot of weeding is involved. And careful watering. They need constant attention and tending.

Gardens are much like a culture. They’re fragile and beautiful, but can easily die and/or be taken over by weeds.

The key to civilization is the word civil. People have to grow up and be better than rude, whiny, demanding brats. They have to evolve into flowers. Then a culture or civilization can be a beautiful garden.

I believe the point of the physical world is to represent your soul. Ugly art, ugly architecture, ugly landscapes, disturbing music … all represent an ugly soul. Or just basic functionality in those areas represent a weak soul.

Mr. Paul Bickel has a beautiful soul.



Tom Abts

GM and Head Golf Professional
