The Impossible Dream

Greetings Golfers,

Last weekend was fun to be a Minnesota sports fan. Of course, Saturday’s Gopher game was the biggie. But, the Viking’s win on Sunday night was also a big deal.

As usual, I was expecting the worse on the final drives of both games. That both opposing drives failed right in front of our respective end-zone was a miracle. One game? … maybe…both games?…impossible!

All sporting events have a period where a team or players is not sharp. I think the secret to success is to survive that period. Obviously the start is critical. You basically want to find some rhythm and not screw-up.

I always tell my playing partners that the first 3 holes at DRGC are the warm-up holes…that the round really starts on #4. All you need to do is survive and hopefully find some feel and tempo by the 4th hole.

Too often I see someone top their tee-shot on #1, and then try to make up for it with a perfect 3 wood for their second shot (which they then yank out -of-bounds). After the topped drive, I suggest that they just hit a seven iron back in play and relax and just play the hole.

You can be 3 over after 3 holes and still have a very good round. It’s tough to be 10 over after 3 and have a decent round.

Obviously you don’t want to wreck your round at the start. But, you don’t want to wreck it at ANYTIME during the round.

Usually teams and golfers have a mid-second-half slump. Maybe it’s lack of concentration…but whatever, it seems to happen…just basically sloppy play. If they can just not get too sloppy…(compounding penalties or errors or 3 putting after a chip)…things will come back.

Then, I think all players in all sports have to play aggressive at the end. Playing safe at the end of the game or at the end of the round usually turns into failure – and an ugly failure at that.

Here’s what I recommend: conservative at first while finding your rhythm; avoid getting sloppy in the mid-second-half; and then finishing aggressively.

The worst of all worlds is the opposite: reckless at the start; sloppy in the middle; playing safe at the end.

I’ve told my sons that I hope to see the Vikings win the Super Bowl before I die. I never even dreamed that the Gophers would play for the National Championship. Maybe the impossible is the new reality. We deserve it.


Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

Deer Run Golf Club
8661 Deer Run Drive
Victoria, MN 55386
(952) 443-2351